Ambassador Recruitment

[FREEDOM] Ambassador Recruitment


▪ Recruitment Period :  Ongoing recruitment

[Ambassador benefits]
▪  Benefits : Complimentary newly released Freedom Athletic products will be provided.
▪  Duties : Ensure regular content updates on Instagram by posting one Instagram feed post per week and two Instagram stories per week
[ Prohibited and Restricted terms and conditions ]
▪ If the ambassador fails to meet the expected level of activity after selection, they may be subject to exclusion from Freedom Athletic.
▪ Deleting posts after the contract period is not permitted.
▪  If you do not agree to the collection and utilization of personal information, your application cannot be accepted.
▪  We do not take responsibility for any disadvantages arising from unfamiliarity with the application process outlined below, so please ensure that you understand it before proceeding.
▪ You may apply only once, and in case of duplicate entries, only the first entry will be considered.

Consent Form for Collection and Use of Personal Information for Event Participation

Freedom Co., Ltd. is receiving personal information as follows in accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

In this regard, we would like to collect, use, and provide personal information as follows for ambassador application and prize distribution. Please read the contents carefully and agree below.

① Purpose of collecting and using personal information: Drawing winners for ambassadors / Contacting winners / Identity verification.

② Personal information collected: Name / Mobile phone number.

③ Retention and use period of personal information: From the announcement date of ambassador winners to 30 days thereafter (However, if it is necessary to retain the information pursuant to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, it will be retained in accordance with such laws).

Please check whether you agree to the collection and use of personal information for the stated purposes. Failure to agree will result in automatic exclusion from the draw.

Consent for Ambassador Activities Scope

I acknowledge and agree to the following scope of activities as an ambassador.

Contact form